Minimally Conscious States

Pulling “the plug on your life support … because of a message you left on facebook” – Fact or Fiction?

MDMD’s Campaigns and Communication Manager, Keiron McCabe, breaks down the new Clinically-Assisted Hydration and Nutrition Guidance from the British Medical Association

Recently, writing in the Daily Mail, Dr Max Pemberton criticised the new British Medical Association’s (BMA) “Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) Guidance”, for allowing “one Facebook post [to] be enough to bring about your death”. The news follows after Care not Killing, an organisation opposed to changing the law on assisted dying, similarly wrote to the BMA challenging the new guidelines.

Clinically-assisted nutrition and hydration (CAHN), is a medical treatment for someone who has difficulty swallowing or is unable to gain sufficient water orally. It normally involves inserting a tube in the vein and using it to provide a liquid formula feed. It does not include spoon feeding or any other way of providing food and liquid by the mouth.

In his article, Dr Pemberton stated that he had “no ideological objection to treatment being withdrawn from seriously ill patients … [because] the job of a doctor is to alleviate suffering, not extend life unquestionably”. Indeed he even went as far to say that “there are certain situations – suffering chronic pain that cannot be managed and with no hope of reprieve, or being completely paralysed, for example, – when [he] would not want to live and indeed would consider it cruel of others to proactively extend [his] life in any way”.

However, reflecting on the new BMA guidance, Dr Pemberton called it “terrifying”, that “relatives of patients who are so ill [that] they cannot make a decision for themselves and who have no prospect of recovery, [are being advised to] trawl through … Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts or emails for references to death, to help reach decision on whether to withdraw treatment or switch off life support”.

He argued that as a society, we are all prone to hyperbole and exaggeration online, and that this new guidance risked medics taking a comment on social media out of context and failing to appreciate our genuine wishes. Instead, he recommended that for those who genuinely wish for their life not to be artificially extended, to make an Advanced Decision or appoint someone with a Lasting Power of Attorney.

Dr Pemberton suggested this new guidance was especially troubling, because it follows a trend in which more “complex ethical decisions are now essentially in the hands of medics”, and risks becoming “Euthanasia by Stealth”. In particular Dr Pemberton highlighted 3 instances of this trend. First, a test case in which “a 74-year-old woman in a coma could have her feeding tubes removed” because a judge considered an email to her daughter in which she said ‘I am still haunted by how he ended up… Get the pillow ready if I get that way! Love Mum.’ not a throwaway remark. Secondly, a judgement from the Supreme Court in 2018 which ruled doctors are no longer required to seek the approval of a judge when removing CAHN. Thirdly, a “leaked” “draft guidance” from the BMA in 2018 which indicated that “doctors should be able to end the lives not only of patients who are in a minimally conscious vegetative state, but also patients with dementia or other degenerative diseases if they can’t feed themselves”.

My Death, My Decision advocates for the law on assisted dying to change, only for those who are mentally competent adults, with incurable health problems that result in their perceived quality of life falling permanently below the level they are able to accept, providing this is their own persistent request. Consequently, the new guidance from the BMA does not impact upon MDMD’s objective. However, we agree with Dr Pemberton and would encourage anyone, would rationally prefer not to continue life extending medical interventions, if they lost capacity, to make an Advance Decision or Lasting Power of Attorney appointment.

This being said, we note Dr Pemberton’s discussion with interest and believe it merits a fuller investigation.

Can a tweet really end my life? Probably not.

The law on decisions about withdrawing CAHN for those without mental capacity is clear. In the absence of any advanced planning, the 2005 Mental Capacity Act and recent 2018 Supreme Court judgement state, any act/ decision for a patient who lacks mental capacity must be made in accordance with their “best interests”.

Hence the key question for any medical professional is whether it is in a patient’s “best interest” to remove CAHN. Moreover, it is a long established legal principle, that someone’s best interests may not in all cases be the extension of life. Indeed, MDMD notes with interest that Dr Pemberton himself identified situations in which he would prefer for his life not to be extended.

Admittedly, the notion of “best interests” is a somewhat elusive concept. Hence, to help doctors, the Mental Capacity Act sets out a number of factors which are designed to guide this assessment.

For example:

  1. Someone must consider whether it is likely the person has some capacity in relation to the matter
  2. If the person is likely to have some capacity, they must be encouraged to participate as fully as possible in any decision affecting them
  3. When the determination reflects life-sustaining treatment, someone must not be motivated by a desire to bring about a death
  4. Someone must ascertain as far as reasonably possible, the person’s past and present wishes and feelings (in particular any written statement made at the time when they had capacity); the belief and values that would be likely to influence the decision; and other factors would the person would be likely to consider if able.

According to the BMA’s new guidance, “decision-makers must start from the strong presumption that it is in a patient’s best interests to receive life-sustaining treatment, but that presumption can be rebutted if there is clear evidence that a patient would not want CAHN provided in the circumstances that have arisen”.

Two significant developments are that the BMA clearly say doctors must consider the notion of best interests from the patient’s point of view, and that doctors are ultimately responsible for this assessment. This is significant, because it clearly states that doctors cannot be motivated by their own preferences, but instead solely by the interests of their particular patient. Additionally, it recognises that the notion of “best interest” is subjective and therefore what may be the “best” for one person, may not necessarily be as good for someone else. It is also significant because it clearly states “decisions [about best interests] must be made by the clinical team on the patient’s behalf”. Thus, whilst a family member or friend might be able to advise a practitioner on what their patient’s preference might have been, they are not allowed to make the decision for the patient themselves.

So where does “social media” fall into the mix? As the Mental Capacity Act and new BMA guidance says, even if family members cannot make a decision about best interests, they can help a doctor “ascertain any views, wishes, values or beliefs of the patient”.  For example, they could say that their loved one had previously indicated that they did not want life extending treatment.

However, whilst family members are predominately motivated out of entirely compassionate reasons, the BMA recognises that a minority might have ulterior motives. Hence they encourage as best practice, “seeking views from a number of different people and seeking examples or evidence to back up statements”. In effect a comment on social media may be such an example or evidence.

However, it is important to stress that whilst social media could be an example, it has always been the case that doctors should look to written statements to ascertain their patients views. Further, social media itself is only listed as one example of relevant information written down in the BMA’s guidance. It also suggests something in a diary, a letter or email could be an “example” of something written down, which indicates a preference.

It is also important to stress that in addition to information written down, doctors are advised in the new guidance that they should seek to learn

  1. The nature and length of the relationship with the individual
  2. A description of what the patient was like before becoming ill – work, hobbies, likes, dislikes, what is important to them etc
  3. Any examples of things the patient said or did that might indicate the view that they are likely to have of their current situation
  4. Any religious, spiritual or ethical beliefs the person held and how these might impact on the decision
  5. Aspects of the patients personality that might be relevant to the decision
  6. Whether they believe the patient would want CAHN provided/ continued and their rationale for that assessment

Hence, Dr Pemberton’s claim that we are all one tweet away from an end of life decision, is grossly exaggerated. Doctors are compassionate and caring professionals, who with very few exceptions only ever want the best for their patient, and would obviously exercise common sense when assessing the importance of a comment on social media.

Moreover, even if the stark situation Dr Pemberton’s described did exist, he overlooks the litany of safeguards the BMA recommends for doctors to follow. For example:

  1. A Doctor should seek a second clinical opinion where it is proposed to stop or CANH
  2. “Where there is uncertainty or disagreement about whether CAHN is in the patient’s best interests … legal advice should be sought and an application to the Court of Protection should be made”.

More Detailed Analysis

The test case, Dr Pemberton referenced was Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Mrs P. Although, it was reported in the Daily Mail, Mrs P had her CANH withdrawn because of an email, this is somewhat misleading. At paragraph 39 of the judgement, Mr Justice Hayden listed a number of factors which indicated it was in Mrs P’s best interests to have CANH removed:

  1. The daughter of Mrs P had informed the medical staff early on that her mother would not have wanted the indignity of her present situation
  2. The daughter had been so confident that her mother had expressed this view that she was able to go through years of emails before finding the particular claim in question
  3. Mrs P’s neighbour informed the court that they had both discussed how they would not like to “linger with [an] illness”
  4. The Official Solicitor acknowledged that there was clear and compelling evidence of Mrs P’s wishes.

Whilst it is true that the email had featured prominently in the case, Mr Justice Hayden cautioned that it could simply “be regarded as recording one of those casual throw away remarks that we all make from time to time [making it] ultimately meaningless”. It was only because of the “context” of the email, that he considered it significant.

Turning to the 2018 Supreme Court case of NHS Trust and Others v Y, the Supreme Court clarified that there had never been a law, only an understanding of good practice, that doctors should apply to a court before CAHN can be removed. Hence in cases where families and practitioners in agreement, it may not be necessary to seek judicial permission, if the delay would cause considerable distress to families. However, the court stressed that if it transpires that there is a difference of medical opinion, or lack of agreement from a person with a patient’s welfare, regarding the “best interests” of the patient, a court application “can and should be made”. Hence, the case cannot have  remove a safeguard, since it did not exist in the first place, but merely clarify when additional support should be sought. (Advice similarly reflected in the BMA’s new guidance).

Finally, the leaked draft claim originates from a story featured in the Daily Mail who said that the draft document said:

“Those patients who have a recognised degenerative condition – such as advanced dementia, Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease – that is likely to result in the patient being unable to take sufficient nutrition orally … Due to the degenerative nature of their condition, these patients are on an expected downward trajectory and will inevitably die, usually as a result of their underlying condition, although perhaps not imminently and could, potentially, go on living for many years.”

A statement which still appears in the final edition of the BMA’s final guidance.

Reflecting on the BMA’s judgement, MDMD’s associate coordinator Dr Colin Brewer said: “It is quite understandable that many people are concerned about progressive neurological conditions such as dementia. Dementia is now the leading cause of death in the UK. However, it would be wrong to think that those suffering from Dementia, automatically lack capacity. Those at the early stage of their condition such as MDMD’s Alex Pandolfo, still have capacity and therefore would not be affected by this guidance.”

Interestingly, the BMA’s guidance stressed that when someone is given CANH it is not normally as a result of their degenerative condition advancing. Instead, it is normally the case that someone is given CANH because of a concurrent, but entirely unrelated, additional condition, which means someone cannot take enough nutrition orally. Reflecting this, the BMA’s guidance say that where someone with a degenerative condition does receive CANH for a different, but concurrent, illness it is advisable for “extensive best interest assessments [to take place, including] best interest meetings”.

My Death, My Decision firmly believes that those suffering from dementia deserve the same level of respect and compassion as anyone else. Thus even if it were the case, which it is not, that “dementia” was the underlying reason why CANH existed in the first place, we believe that if it is in someone’s best interests not to continue treatment, they should not be discriminated against. However, in saying this we are encouraged by the BMA’s recognition of the importance of safeguards for neurological degenerative conditions including advising doctors to seek “a second opinion from a senior independent clinician”.

Therefore will they “pull the plug on your life support … because of a message you left on facebook”? Probably not. But the overriding advice really should be for people to write an advance decision. This clarifies for all concerned what your wishes are. It can also provide a legally binding refusal of CANH under conditions which the person specifies. MDMD would like to see encouragement to write Advance Decisions as part of routine NHS healthcare checks and end of life care and planning discussions.

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Supreme court decision on withholding food and drink in PVS cases

The BBC report on the ruling by the Supreme Court that legal permission will no longer be required to end care for patients in a long-term permanent vegetative state. The decision applies to patients who are being kept alive by artificial means such as tube feeding and hydration. It means that when family and doctors agree, a court decision is not required in order to stop these artificial means of keeping a patient alive.

We welcome this clarification, which upholds an earlier ruling in a lower court. As with our comments at that time, MDMD warns that this should not be interpreted as making Advance Decisions any less important. The ruling does not cover the case when family and doctors disagree, also, an Advance Decision can provide a legally binding refusal of treatment in cases where doctors and family agree to continue treatment, if that is not what the patient has stated they want. Even in cases where everyone is in agreement, an Advance Decision makes these incredibly difficult decisions much easier and safer for all concerned. With an Advance Decision, doctors and relatives have documented evidence of what the patient wants for themselves, so they do not have to try to decide what is in the patient’s best interests, based on little, or incomplete, information of the patient’s wishes.

If you haven’t completed your own Advance Decision, MDMD strongly suggests that you do so as soon as possible, regardless of age or health. See our information and references to other organisations on this here. We also recommend having periodic discussions with your next of kin about your end of life wishes. Some suggestions for how to do this are given here.

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When is it right to turn off Life Support?

The Daily Mail recently reported a case of a 74 year old woman in a minimally conscious state, whose daughter has won a court case to have her mother’s life support turned off. The NHS Trust involved, acting in the patient’s “best interests”, wished to continue treatment, but this was over-ruled by the judge. It appeared very unlikely that the woman’s condition would ever improve, though with continuing treatment she might live for three to five years.

The case turned on an old email the daughter found in which her mother said “Did you see that thing on dementia? Get the pillow ready if I get that way!” The judge took this as evidence of the woman’s wishes not to be kept alive. The case has strong parallels with that of police officer Paul Briggs.

These cases highlight the importance of writing an advance decision, clarifying a person’s wishes for refusing treatment (including refusing artificial feeding and hydration), in the event that at some point in the future they are no longer able to make treatment decisions for themselves. With an advance decision to refuse treatment in place, everyone would clearly understand the patient’s wishes, and medical staff are legally required to follow the patients wishes regarding treatment refusal.

We owe it to both our well-meaning relatives and to our doctors, to avoid difficult conflicts like this where people with different opinions about what is best for us have to argue it out in court. It can’t be pleasant for them, whichever side of the argument they are on, and it certainly isn’t good for us if our wishes are not acted upon, or are delayed.

MDMD strongly encourages everyone to make an advance decision, regardless of age or current health. See our advice on end of life planning here. If you haven’t written yours, please do so… and then encourage others to write theirs.

Some might think that allowing someone to die by turning off artificial feeding and hydration is cruel, arguing instead for a right for euthanasia in such cases. When the person is in a coma, and with appropriate pain killers, the dying person will not suffer, even though the dying process may take around 2 weeks. Most importantly, turning off life support is currently legal in the UK, whereas euthanasia is not.

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Court Ruling no longer needed before life-support is withdrawn from patients with severe illnesses

In a landmark ruling a judge has ruled that in future, in decisions concerning the withdrawal of life-support, including artificial feeding and hydration, a judge’s consent is no longer required in cases where medical opinion and relative’s wishes agree that the cessation is in the patient’s best interests.  The story is reported widely, including by the BBC and the Guardian.

MDMD cautiously welcomes this ruling. Medical professionals are generally the best qualified to make such decisions. Good professional conduct would ensure they take the views of relatives into consideration.

However, making a life preserving or a life ending decision for someone unable to make the choice for themselves, in their best interests, is a huge responsibility which is very difficult for both doctors and for relatives. In the vast majority of cases, both are likely to play safe, quite probably prolonging life for much longer that the patient might want.

But what if medics and relatives do not agree? These situations are not covered by this particular ruling. The end of life process can be even more drawn out and even more difficult, involving the courts. The tragic case of Paul Briggs illustrates this.

Far better for every one of us to make our wishes known clearly in advance, to cover possible future situations in which we have lost our mental capacity and are suffering from an incurable condition which means that our future quality of life will never return to a level we would find acceptable. This can be done today by making an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment (ADRT). Not only is it a legal requirement for medics to follow a person’s wishes expressed in a valid ADRT, but the document gives certainty to both doctors and relatives, that by following what the person has stated, they are doing what the patient wants – surely a huge relief for both groups.

An ADRT can include a refusal of artificial life-support, in situations the person chooses. This can therefore be used to hasten their death, avoiding delay or possible involvement of the courts. Too few people are aware that this is a right we already have, without any recourse to the recent legal ruling.

MDMD urges everyone, regardless or age or health, to make an ADRT to specify their treatment wishes, should they be unable to make a decision at the time. Once complete, copies should be given to your GP and relatives. The ADRT should be reviewed and updated periodically. ADRTs can be completed at no cost, and free personal advice is available if needed. For more information see our page on end of life planning.

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Over 100 Minimally conscious patients

A BBC investigation attempted to find out how many minimally conscious patients were being kept alive in the UK. All the UK health authorities were asked,  but only about one quarter were able to provide data. Those that did revealed 105 cases. Given the poor response, it seems reasonable to estimate that the total number may be around 400. [But see update below.] Many of the patients had been minimally conscious for 6 months or more, with one being in that state for 20 years.

When should life support be turned off? It is difficult to say, depending on the circumstances. People who have written an Advance Decision can request life support to be turned off if they wish, subject to conditions they specify, should they ever be in a situation where they have lost mental capacity, such as a minimally conscious state. A correctly written advance decision is a legally binding refusal of treatment under certain conditions at some future time when a person does not have mental capacity to make the decision. It must be written when the author has mental capacity to make that decision.

In the absence of a valid Advance Decision, the Court of Protection has to be asked to act in the patient’s best interests to decide whether life support should be turned off.   Usually such cases are brought by the medical authorities. However in the case of Paul Briggs the case was brought by the family who did not want to see him suffer further. The medical authority opposed the family wish. However, the judge decided in favour of the family.

MDMD strongly recommend that everyone completes an Advance Decision, specifying their wishes should they be unable to make decisions in the future. Copies should be given to next of kin, those likely to find you if you fall ill at home, and your GP. This applies to everyone regardless of age, or whether you agree with MDMD’s objectives. Anyone could be a road accident victim, for example, at any time.

Update 16th January 2017

Prof. Celia Kitzinger, co-director of the Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre, has pointed out that the BBC estimate is a gross under-estimate. According to the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology there are between 4,000-16,000 patients in VS [Vegetative States], plus 3x as many in MCS [Minimally Conscious States] i.e. up to 48,000 in MCS (Source: POSTNote2015 based on extrapolation from nos in UK nursing homes)

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Why everyone should write an Advance Decision – the case of Paul Briggs

The case of Paul Briggs, reported in the Daily Telegraph and other papers, highlights why everyone should write an Advance Decision (AD) to refuse medical treatment in case they are ever in a situation where they would wish to refuse treatment, but are unable to speak for themselves. Mr Briggs situation shows how this could happen to anyone at anytime. ADs are not just for elderly people whose death in imminent.

PC Paul Briggs (43) was involved in a road accident 17 months ago and is in a permanent vegetative state. The Telegraph article reports that his wife believes that the withdrawal of treatment is in Paul’s best interests given his previously expressed wishes, injuries and his current condition and prognosis. The doctors treating him think differently. The case is going to court.

If Mr Briggs had written an AD the situation would be easier, though still tragic. For example, his AD might have said something to the effect that if he was in a coma or vegetative state for over 6 months, with little prospect of him regaining the minimum quality of life he would wish for, then he refuses all treatment aimed at prolonging his life, including artificial breathing, feeding, and hydration. He could have given his own examples of what constituted a minimum acceptable quality of life for him. This would help ensure he would be allowed to die.

An AD like this is not only legally binding on medical staff, but more importantly it is also easier for both relatives and medical staff, as they have a clear record of the patients wishes to guide their decisions, and so are much more likely to reach agreement and avoid the situation of Mr Briggs where his wife is having to pursue her case through the courts. Everyone – medics and relatives alike – I’m sure would want to act in Mr Briggs’ best interests, but without a record of his wishes it can be difficult to agree on what that is.

For more information on Advance Decisions, end of life planning and how to write yours, see this page, and the recent MDMD lecture given by Prof Celia Kitzinger, a leading expert in ADs.

Please encourage your friends and family to complete their ADs.

It is ironic that only 4% of people have written ADs – an existing legal right to give people some control over what happens to them if they loose mental capacity – whereas over 80% are in favour of some form of assisted dying. Advance Decisions will still be required even if assisted dying is legalised as they apply when a person has lost mental capacity, whereas it is highly likely that legalised assisted dying would only be permissible when a person still has the mental capacity to request that option. An Advance Decision would have helped Mr Briggs, Assisted Dying legislation would not.

UPDATE 20th December 2016: Court finds in favour of family

UPDATE 5th July 2017: The implications of the court case are discussed in a paper in the Journal of Medical Ethics July 2017 – Volume 43 – 7 : When ‘Sanctity of Life’ and ‘Self-Determination’ clash: Briggs versus Briggs [2016] EWCOP 53 – implications for policy and practice by Jenny Kitzinger, Celia Kitzinger and Jakki Cowley

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